Your intellectual property may be your most valuable asset.
We protect it.

Firm Overview

Standley Law Group's intellectual property law practice includes patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, unfair competition, and computer law.

Attorneys in the firm provide a wide range of intellectual property law services including preparation and prosecution of applications, counseling, litigation, and licensing, as well as corresponding practices in foreign countries. Since 1994, Standley Law Group has been assisting clients ranging from Fortune 1000 companies to medium sized companies and individuals, with a variety of intellectual property needs.

Attorneys in the firm have diverse technological backgrounds, and have been involved in the representation of clients in a wide variety of sciences, including:

  • Aircraft components
  • Automotive components
  • Biochemistry and Biotech
  • Business processes
  • Chemistry
  • Computer hardware & software
  • Electrical devices
  • Electrical energy generation
  • Environmental remediation
  • Furniture designs
  • Liquid crystal displays
  • Materials
  • Mechanical devices
  • Medical devices
  • Packaging
  • Plastics / Molding
  • Robotics
  • Telecommunications

Learn more about the firm in the short video below:

Standley Law Group patent, copyright and trademark lawyers in Columbus Ohio
Standley Law Group's Offices in Dublin, Ohio